#32 – Considering Investing in Property Back Home?

#32 – Considering Investing in Property Back Home?

Given the Price-to-Rent ratios in U.S. vs Lagos, it makes more sense to buy residential properties in the US as opposed to Lagos. The average ratio in the US is 18 indicating that a landlord gets the renter to pay off the property in 18 years, while in Lagos the average ratio for houses is 30 and apartments is 40. This indicates that an average renter in Lagos would take almost 40 years to pay off the value of the home in annual rent.
#31 – Inspiring Africans

#31 – Inspiring Africans

Ben’s father was a police officer in Ghana, who rose through the ranks and became the head of Ghana Police and then the Minister of Interior. As Ghana was under a military rule, in 1979, there was a coup d’ etat, where the ruling government was overthrown and Ben’s father was exiled from Ghana. Ben explained that the government confiscated all his father’s assets and that the rest of the family lived in Ghana while their father lived in Togo in exile.
#17 – China’s Investment in Africa, Friend or Foe?

#17 – China’s Investment in Africa, Friend or Foe?

The Chinese disagree that it issues loans with the hope that African countries default on the loans, and thereby grant it right to seize control of the valuable resources put forward as collateral. The Chinese explain that given the poor credit history of the African nations it engages with, the use of resource backed loans is the only reasonable way for it to protect its investment.
#16 – Nigeria: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

#16 – Nigeria: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

We decided to lean towards our wellness objective in this blog post. For many who moved to the Diaspora at a young age such as me at the age of 12, we are limited in our knowledge of Nigeria’s history for obvious reasons. However, there are increasingly more resources and information online to help fill the knowledge gap. Below are some pictorial illustrations that capture important periods in Nigeria’s history.