#15 – Snail Slime Business Opportunity for Africans


Substantial profits can be made exporting snail slime to manufacturing companies abroad given the demand for snail slime and favorable currency conversion rates in Africa…..also, it costs $10 for one cooked snail at your local Nigerian restaurant in Chicago….smh”.


The Korean cosmetics industry is said to be years ahead of the western market, offering products that consumers can’t find in North American brands. For example, BB creams (Beauty Balm) have become a staple in the U.S. beauty industry, however, Koreans have used BB creams for years before they became popular in the West.

Similarly, for years, snail mucin (mucus) skin care products have been very popular in Korea and now have made its way to the United States. Snail mucus is naturally created by snails to protect and restore themselves and is a popular skincare ingredient because of its anti-aging properties that repair damaged skin and restore hydration.

According to Global Newswire, in 2019, the global snail beauty products market was $3.7 billion and is estimated to grow to $12 billion by 2029. This increase in demand is due to the growing inclination of middle age women towards grooming, favorable growth of snail farming, and shifting preference towards natural skin-improving ingredients.

We performed an independent research and noted that in May 2020, there were over 12,000 Google searches for the word “Snail Cream”, indicating that individuals are increasingly looking for snail mucus products to address their skin improvement needs.


Snails excrete mucus for three reasons: (1) when moving (2) when stressed and (3) when pleasured. To extract mucus, farmers drip water on the snail, pleasuring it, thereby enabling the snail to excrete mucus.

Aden International, a Thai-based cosmetics company started in 2016 buying snail mucus from local farmers and shipping the product to cosmetic manufacturers in Korea and United States. The company also sells the dried powered version of slime for $58,200 per kilogram to these manufacturers.


Extracting slime from snails is a labor-intensive process, an Italian inventor, Simone Sampo developed a machine that can mass extract snail slime in batches. He takes about 2,000 snails, puts them in his machine, where the snails are sprayed with a water-based solution allowing the snails to excrete their mucus. The mucus then flows into a jar, producing ~3.5kg of slime. See the illustrative video.


Per our initial review of the company’s website, Muller One, there was no evidence that the machine is being sold. We then reached out to the company in Italy to inquirer if the machine is available for sale; we received a response from the sales team on Monday indicating that the machine is currently available for sale for 40,000 euros ….ouch!!


Business Opportunity
Similar to the Thai-based company, Aden International, there is an opportunity for an African company to export snail slime to cosmetic manufacturing companies in Korea and Switzerland. The ability to farm large-sized African snails and access to cheap labor in Africa provide a competitive advantage to start this slime export business in Africa. Below are a few cosmetic product manufacturers which use snail mucus in their production.

Substantial profits can be made exporting snail slime product to these manufacturing companies given the demand for snail slime and favorable currency conversion rates in Africa. There are three options one can implement to initiate this business:

Option A (Distribution): Low Effort/Low Margin

  1. Contract with multiple local snail farmers to purchase snail mucus
  2. Aggregate and bottle mucus purchased from farmers
  3. Export mucus product at larger volumes to cosmetic manufacturers and ingredient suppliers

Option B (Service and Distribution): Medium Effort/Medium Margin

  1. Hire a service workforce
  2. Workforce visits multiple local snail farms on schedule to extract snail mucus manually
  3. Aggregate and bottle mucus extracted by service workers
  4. Export mucus product to cosmetic manufacturers and ingredient suppliers

Option C (Farming, Service and Distribution): High Effort/High Margin

  1. Setup multiple commercial snail farms (relatively low start-up cost)
  2. Snails will be used for both mucus extraction and sold for food consumption
  3. Aggregate extracted mucus into large bottles
  4. Export mucus product at larger volumes to cosmetic manufacturers and ingredient suppliers

Please note that as of today, the demand for snails for food consumption in Africa far outweighs its supply. There is a huge opportunity and profits to be made starting a snail farm, producing snails to be sold to wholesalers, super markets, hotels, and exported to meet the demand from Africans in the diaspora. Note: It costs $10 for one cooked snail at your local Nigerian restaurant in Chicago….smh.

At the risk of writing an extended post, we did not do a deep-dive into the process of starting a snail farm. With land available, one can easily start a snail farming business with as little as 1million naira ($2,500).

Below are additional resources that walk through the process of starting and managing a snail farm in Nigeria. There are local consulting companies that can help setup the snail farm for a fee if necessary.



  1. Femi

    Thanks for this.
    Quite enlightening.

  2. Morris Kawel

    Thanks for sharing. This is very insightful.

  3. Sirak tesfaledet

    Very much interted in this…thank you

  4. Hello there! I am interested to venture in this snail farm. In this country ,philippines, this business Concept Is Not Yet Known To All Of Us Filipinos. I Pray That You,The Readers Can Help Me In Any Way.T.Y

  5. Joana Kudesey

    Very educative. Thanks so much

  6. Irom Adam

    Thanks so much,I have been wasting this money away from my farm,I will source for the market now

  7. Peter

    I am interested in snail farming and marketing. I need your guidance please

  8. Hadiza Yakubu

    I’m into snails farming and am looking for individual/companies that are interested in buying the snails slime from me.

  9. Hadiza Yakubu

    I’m into snails farming in nigeria and am looking for individual/companies that are interested in buying the snails slime from me. My number is 08034551886

  10. Prince

    This is very educative. Thanks very much.

  11. Prince

    This is very educative and eye opening. Farming is the way and will forever be the way!

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